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Portland Protest News

News – October 15, 2020

Today’s news summary: Ron Wyden wants inquiry into government surveillance, Vancouver police investigate officer comments, business targeted during protest, Portland remembers George Floyd on his birthday

Oregonian: Wyden seeks inquiry into government surveillance of Black Lives Matter protesters

Oregonian: Vancouver police investigate sergeant’s comments on Patriot Prayer, Black Lives Matter movement

KATU: Portland business owner says he was targeted during protests Sunday night

KGW: Portlanders gather and commemorate George Floyd on his birthday

News – October 14, 2020

Today’s news summary: Michael Reinoehl investigation from ProPublica, lawsuits against Portland police increase, community activists look at new ways of moving forward, interesting events at ICE protests

ProPublica: New Eyewitness Accounts: Feds Didn’t Identify Themselves Before Opening Fire on Portland Antifa Suspect

Oregon Public Broadcasting: New eyewitness accounts: Feds didn’t identify themselves before firing on Portland antifa shooting suspect

New York Times: ‘Straight to Gunshots’: How a U.S. Task Force Killed an Antifa Activist (includes video re-creation of attack)

Oregonian: 21 protest-related lawsuits have been filed against Portland police: Latest 3 accuse police of harassing critics

KATU: Community activists look at new ways of moving Black Lives Matter movement forward

KOIN: Downtown Portland community pleads for end to nightly chaos

Thread on activities at ICE building

News – October 13, 2020

Today’s news summary: Multiple statements against protest violence in South Park blocks on Sunday 10/11/2020, cleanup begins, statement from JoAnn Hardesty on difference in police response to right-wing and left-wing protests, video of statue toppling

KOIN: Indigenous leaders react to ‘Day of Rage’ damage

KOIN: Clean-up efforts underway after ‘Day of Rage’ riot

KGW: Suspects arrested for toppling statues, smashing windows during Portland riot

Oregonian: Portland mayor, other officials condemn downtown vandalism in name of ‘Indigenous rage’

Oregonian: Latest call for ‘direct action’ escalated Portland protest destruction, pushed for anonymity

News – October 12, 2020

Today’s news summary: Protesters pull down statues of Roosevelt/Lincoln in downtown Portland as part of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, damage OHS windows and artifacts, Ted Wheeler looking into alternate ways to identify police at protests

Portland Mercury: On the Eve of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Portland Protesters Topple Statues and Break Windows

The Skanner: Protesters Knock Down Roosevelt, Lincoln Statues in Portland

Oregonian: Portland protesters topple 2 statues of former presidents; Trump calls for arrests, federal intervention

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Portland protesters tear down Roosevelt, Lincoln statues during ‘Day of Rage’

KGW: ‘These acts are obscene’: Portland mayor condemns violence, destruction at late-night protests

Willamette Week: Mayor Ted Wheeler Says the City Is Seeking an “Alternative” to Covering Portland Police Badge Numbers During Protests

News – October 11, 2020

Today’s news summary: Protest at North Precinct ends in mass arrests minutes after it starts, BLM march in north Portland

OPB: Portland Police make blanket arrests minutes after Saturday protest starts

KGW: 26 arrested at small North Portland protest – According to journalists at the protest, nearly every demonstrator was arrested with little to no warning.

Portland Police Bureau: Mass Gathering Blocks Major Thoroughfare, Arrests Made

News – October 10, 2020

Today’s news summary: Jonathan Price march in downtown Portland, Jaelin Scott memorial, federal court rules journalists are protected at marches, podcast on Portland protests

Oregonian: Portland protests to end police violence resume Friday downtown

KGW: ‘Didn’t deserve to die’: Portland teen remembered at gathering to stop violence

Courthouse News: Ninth Circuit Rules Federal Agents Can’t Target Journalists at Portland Protests

WNYC: The New Yorker Radio Hour – The Battle Over Portland (podcast with interviews of Portland protest participants)

News- October 9, 2020

Today’s news summary: Police review board working to identify Officer 67, Wheeler threatened PPB chief with termination over tear gas opposition, story of one independent journalist’s journey, protest zine, advice from a 60’s radical

Willamette Week: Portland Independent Police Review Is Trying to Identify “Officer 67”

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler threatened termination if police chief didn’t back him on tear gas

Village Portland: My journey from social justice protester to independent journalist

Village Portland: Mainstream media is scamming us, one indie journalist says

Unknown: Zine giving a perspective on the Portland protests (via PNW Youth Liberation Front)

Oregonian: Advice to Portland protesters from a ’60s radical: Commentary

News – October 8, 2020

Today’s news summary: Human rights group issues report on Portland police brutality, focus on evictions, Blumenauer fights deputization, complaints to oversight agency about PPB behavior at protests

Portland Mercury: Human Rights Group Finds Portland Police Violated UN Guidelines During Protests

The Guardian (UK): Portland: officers targeted medics with teargas and projectiles, report finds

Willamette Week: Three People Who Attended Portland Protests Say They Recognize the Helmet Number of an Officer Who Struck a Black Homeowner

KOIN: Protesters turn attention to Portland evictions

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Oregon lawmaker seeks to curb deputizing power of federal government

Willamette Week: Following Deputization of Portland Police Officers, Congressman Earl Blumenauer Introduces Legislation to Limit Federal Reach

KOIN: Complaints against PPB at protests flood oversight agency

News – October 7, 2020

Today’s news summary: ICE protest in SE Portland draws federal response, Beauty Block event

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Federal officers use tear gas during protest in South Portland