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News – October 2, 2020

Today’s news summary: Protester pleads guilty to arson charge, several takes on federal deputization, JoAnn Hardesty calls for deputized officers to be removed from street/protest duty, followup from Proud Boys rally in September 2020

Willamette Week: Federal Prosecutors Secure Guilty Plea From Portland Man Who Set Fire to County Property During Riot

Portland Mercury: Portland Cops Will Stay Federally Deputized Through 2020. What Does That Mean for Portland? (interview with Juan Chavez, an attorney with the Oregon Justice Resource Center)

Willamette Week: Some Portland Police Officers Are Now Deputy U.S. Marshals. What Does That Mean for Protesters? (interview with criminal defense lawyer John Schlosser)

KOIN: Hardesty ‘will not stand’ for deputized officers on streets Anti-Fascists Worked to Keep Portland Community Safe Amid Proud Boys Rally

KGW: Antifa’s history and current status in Portland

KGW: Proud Boys get international exposure. So who are they?